Simulado 16 Concurso Professor De Inglês

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Simulado 16 Concurso Professor De Inglês

1.This text refers to questions from 1 and 2

Trio of Brazilian researchers receive support from Bill Gates

A project to accelerate the production of drugs for parasitic diseases still common in Brazil and Africa
and two to facilitate plantation with low-cost techniques will receive funding from billionaire Bill Gates of
Microsoft. Each of the three Brazilian researchers responsible for the plans will receive a sponsorship of US$
100,000 (R$ 219,000), which _____ be extended to US$ 1 million (R$ 2.19 million) if the execution of the idea
is well received. Their win _____ be announced at a conference sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, which begins today in Rio.
Of 2,700 entries, 80 were selected, including Rio pharmacist Floriano Paes Silva Júnior, São Paulo
agronomic engineer Mateus Marrafon and mechanical engineer Ricardo Capúcio de Resende, from Minas
Gerais. Silva Júnior, 35, who works at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Rio, proposed the
development of a software capable of interpreting images of parasites taken with a microscope to assess which
existing drugs _____ be useful in combating them. This automated analysis of the parasite’s reaction to the
substance could help discover what is the optimal dose to kill them. Currently, a researcher who observes and
interprets the characteristics of what causes the disease, which leads to conclusions that are not always
consistent, does this assessment.
Marrafon, 29, a researcher at the Kairós Institute, has developed prototypes of a biodegradable tape
that has seeds selected from a given crop. Inside the tape, which is buried underground, the seeds are
distributed in accordance with the ideal spacing for growth. Resende, 47, of the Federal University of Viçosa,
also thought of a tool that helps during plantation. He designed a machine with two wheels capable of making
holes in the ground while simultaneously sowing seeds. It _____be the artisanal option for automated seeders
to use on large properties.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also confirmed its partnership with the government of Brazil.
Minister of Health Alexandre Padilha _____ attend the opening of the conference to formalize an agreement
between Fiocruz and the American institution for the production of a double-viral vaccine for measles and
rubella. According to the foundation, the vaccine should be exported to African countries.

In the text, there are three relative pronouns underlined. It is CORRECT to affirm that they make
reference to
a) Bill and Melinda Gates – Ricardo Capúcio de Resende – a researcher
b) The conference – Floriano Paes Silva Júnior – the causes of the diseases
c) The conference – Floriano Paes Silva Júnior – the characteristics of what causes the disease
d) The Gates couple – Floriano Paes Silva Júnior – the causes of the diseases

2.According to the text, the five gaps can be CORRECTLY filled up with the following modals
a) can – will – could – would – should
b) could – would – will – should – may
c) has to – might – can – shall – will not
d) would – should – must – ought to – might

3.The comparative forms of the adjects “responsible”, “fun” and “sweet” are, respectively:
a) More responsible, more fun, sweeter
b) Responsibler, funner, sweetest
c) The more responsible, funny, more sweet
d) The most responsible, the most fun, the most sweet

4.The following text refers to questions 4 and 5

Brooke Mueller: “I’m going after Charlie!”

Brooke Mueller is on the attack … gunning for Charlie Sheen, who insulted her, drug addict and
terrible parent on TMZ — and if she gets her way Charlie could end up in jail.
We just received a subpoena from Brooke’s lawyers, ordering us to preserve the video and audio
interviews we did with Charlie last Friday. Where to begin. Charlie said Brooke has damaged their twins
emotionally, to the point they’re on the verge of getting kicked out of school. He says every time the kids visit
with Brooke, they come home completely freaked out and suffer from night terrors.
Our sources say Brooke’s lawyers will go to court with our video and audio and argue Charlie has
violated the gag order and should be punished — possibly with jail — and have his visitation curtailed.
Charlie told us the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services cares more about protecting and
rehabilitating Brooke than protecting the twins. He insulted the judge in the case and also called him fat.

The sentence “I’m going after Charlie!” said by the actress and socialite Brooke Mueller refers to
a) Future
b) Past habit
c) Present
d) Unfinished past action

5. In the text, there are six pronouns highlighted. They make reference to, respectively,
a) Brooke Mueller – Brooke’s lawyers – Charlie and Brooke – TMZ website – the judge – Charlie Sheen
b) Brooke Mueller – TMZ website – Charlie and Brooke – TMZ website – the judge – Charlie Sheen
c) Brooke Mueller – TMZ website – Charlie’s kids – TMZ website – Charlie Sheen – the judge
d) Charlie’s daughter – TMZ website – Brooke’s lawyers – TMZ website – Brooke’s lawyer – the judge

6.What is the best question to get the following answer?
“Tom always takes a heavy traffic on his way to work.”
a) How long does Tom take a heavy traffic on his way to work?
b) How much time does Tom take a heavy traffic on his way to work?
c) How often does Tom take a heavy traffic on his way to work?
d) When does Tom take a heavy traffic on his way to work?
7. The sentence “Joey’s had a great time in London.” is in the
a) Future perfect
b) Past perfect
c) Present perfect
d) Simple past

8.This text refers to questions from 8 through 10

Living in: The world’s happiest places

The World Happiness Report, released in September 2013 by the UN Sustainable Development
Solutions Network, measured the wellbeing of residents in more than 150 countries, based on six key factors:
GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices,
freedom from corruption, and generosity.The report found that happier people earn more in their lifetime, are
more productive and are better citizens.
Interested in finding some happiness yourself? Aarhus, Oslo, Geneva, Ultrecht and Malmo are in the
world’s top five happiest countries, all of which are in northern Europe, including three in Scandinavia. Out of a
possible high score of 10, the countries received scores between 7.480 (Sweden) and 7.693 (Denmark).
Canada missed the fifth spot by just a few thousandths of a point, coming in at 7.477.

According to the text, what are the indicators of happiness?
a) Average earnings, good efficiency and comprehesion of community.
b) Average earnings, higher productivity and comprehesion of community.
c) Big earnings, a healthy and productive life and freedom of the spirit.
d) Big earnings, higher productivity and sense of citizenship.

9.According to the text, in the sentence “all of which are in northern Europe, including three in
Scandinavia.” is CORRECT to affirm that the relative pronoun “which” refers to
a) cities.
b) countries.
c) happy people.
d) scores.
10.According to the text, it is INCORRECT to affirm that the factor considered to measure the
“wellbeing of the cities” residents is
a) earn more healthy life expectancy.
b) generosity.
c) no corruption.
d) productivity.

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