Simulado 8 Concurso Professor De Inglês

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Simulado 8 Concurso Professor De Inglês

1.Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões de números 1 a 5.

English as a foreign language

By foreign language we mean a language used by persons
for communication across frontiers or with others who are not
from their country: listening to broadcasts, reading books or
newspapers, engaging in commerce or travel, for example. No
language is more widely studied or used as a foreign language
than English. (…) To put it bluntly, English is a top requirement
of those seeking good jobs, and it is often the language in which
much of the business of good jobs is conducted. It is needed
for access to at least half of the world’s scientific literature,
and the most important scientific journals are in English. It is
thus intimately associated with technological and economic
development and it is the principal language of international aid.
The great manufacturing countries Germany and Japan use English
as their principal advertising and sales medium; it is the language
of automation and computer technology. Not only is it the universal
language of international aviation, shipping, and sport, it is to a
considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public
communication. It is the major language of diplomacy, and is the
most frequently used language both in the debates in the United
Nations and in the general conduct of UN business.

In the sentence fragment – English is a top requirement of
those seeking good jobs – the word seeking could be replaced,
without altering the sense of the sentence, by
(A) looking after.
(B) looking for.
(C) looking beyond.
(D) looking back.
(E) looking ahead.

2.Qual das seguintes afirmativas encontra apoio nas ideias
expressas no texto?
(A) If you want to travel to Germany, you should learn
(B) You can’t use a computer adequately if you don’t speak
(C) All important sales anywhere in the world are transacted
in English.
(D) Newspapers that really matter are published in English.
(E) International airline pilots should be able to communicate
in English.
3.No fragmento – and is the most frequently used language
both in the debates in the United Nations and in the general
conduct of UN business – as palavras em destaque expressam,
como par, o sentido de
(A) adição.
(B) alternativa.
(C) contraste.
(D) consequência.
(E) condição.

4.Assinale, dentre as afirmativas relacionadas aos objetivos
para o ensino de língua estrangeira propostos pelos Parâmetros
Curriculares Nacionais – Terceiro e Quarto
Ciclos do Ensino Fundamental – Língua Estrangeira
(p. 65 em diante), a que melhor reflete o texto.
(A) Há razoável quantidade de uso de outras línguas, tais
como o italiano, o francês, o espanhol, o alemão, dependendo
do contexto e das regiões.
(B) Embora se possa dizer que o Brasil é um país multilíngue,
é necessário reconhecer que a grande maioria da população
escolar vive em um estado de monolinguismo.
(C) Uma língua estrangeira dá acesso à ciência e à tecnologia
modernas, à comunicação intercultural, ao mundo dos
negócios e a outros modos de se conceber a vida humana.
(D) É preciso construir o conhecimento sistêmico, a organiza-
ção textual e ensinar como e quando utilizar a linguagem
nas situações de comunicação.
(E) Ao se estabelecerem objetivos, as limitações não podem
deixar de ser levadas em conta para se determinar o que é
possível fazer para se garantirem condições mínimas de

5.In the sentence fragment – It is thus intimately associated
with… – the word thus could be correctly replaced, keeping
the same sense of the sentence, by
(A) frequently.
(B) hardly.
(C) otherwise.
(D) though.
(E) therefore.

6.Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões de números 6 a 10.

Teacher development: Development for survival and progress

A teacher can and should advance in professional expertise
and knowledge throughout his or her career, and such advances do
not depend on formal courses or external input. You have within
your own teaching routine the main tools for personal progress:
your own experience and your reflections on it, interaction with
other teachers in your institution. Teacher development takes place
when teachers, working as individuals or in a group, consciously
take advantage of such resources to forward their own professional
learning. Ongoing teacher development is important not only for
your own sense of progress and professional advancement; in
some situations it may even make a crucial difference between
survival and dropping out.

According to the ideas proposed by the author, teacher development
(A) is necessarily based on individual reflection only.
(B) depends on a good relationship among teachers in an
(C) ought to happen all along a teacher’s professional
(D) requires teachers to attend meetings regularly.
(E) is needed to prevent a great rate of dropouts from the

7.A ideia de personal expertise por parte do professor pode ser
exemplificada por
(A) ler e valorizar a leitura como fonte de informação e prazer.
(B) vivenciar uma experiência de comunicação humana, pelo
uso da língua estrangeira.
(C) o conhecimento sistêmico deve ser integrado com a
organização textual.
(D) a aprendizagem se dá dentro de contextos históricos,
sociais e culturais.
(E) exercer a atividade docente com autonomia e responsabilidade.

8.No fragmento – consciously take advantage of such resources
to forward their own professional learning – a palavra
forward funciona como
(A) verbo.
(B) preposição.
(C) adjetivo.
(D) advérbio.
(E) substantivo.

9.Em – Ongoing teacher development… – a palavra ongoing
pode ser substituída, mantendo-se o mesmo sentido, por
(A) intense.
(B) growing.
(C) sporadic.
(D) continuous.
(E) adequate.

10.What is implied by the use of dropping out in – it may even
make a crucial difference between survival and dropping out?
(A) Students may decide not to complete their education.
(B) Teachers may decide to withdraw from the teaching
(C) Professional development programs may not achieve
their goal.
(D) Proper advancement in the profession may be postponed.
(E) Learning cannot happen appropriately if teachers don’t
attend meetings.



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